Τρίτη, Ιουλίου 27, 2010

Don't visit Greece

You have doubtlessly been informed that Greece is bankrupt and had to recourse to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). You might be wondering who are those responsible for Greece's bankruptcy. If your country was bankrupt, wouldn't you ask for those responsible to be brought to justice? I guess so. This is what the Greeks ask for as well. However, in Greece there are none responsible for the bankruptcy. Nobody has been charged and nobody has been brought to justice. Nobody! Is this hard to believe? Read the newspapers of your country, search on the web and you will see that Greece's bankruptcy is an orphan. Those that made the country bankrupt and moved their assets to foreign banks are still free and still govern Greece.

Greece is in effect under a political and financial oligarchy which controls the media and the justice system. Essentially, Greece is under a dictatorship. Some tens of families rule the place for decades. Greece, the birthplace of Democracy, is under a modern dictatorship.

Now, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund gave new loans to Greece. These funds will not help the Greek people but the governing dictators, the financial oligarchy and the owners of the media outlets. Yes, it might seem strange, but the loans from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund are being managed by the same people who led Greece into bankruptcy.

During the military dictatorship in Greece (1967 – 1974) there were international pleas for citizens not to visit Greece, in order to suffocate the colonels. This is what I am asking of you now.

Don't visit Greece. Don't visit Greece until this dictatorship falls. Help us to liberate Greece.

We don't need money. First of all, we need democracy. I ask that you help Greece to become a democratic country again.

Don't visit Greece! Liberate us!

Pitsirikos (just a blogger from Greece)

Αναδημοσίευση απο πιτσιρίκο

Δευτέρα, Ιουλίου 19, 2010

Free Speech under fire in Greece

Greece takes the leading act in bloggers' freedom of speech STOP

Today the journalist of the most popular news media in Greece was executed by contract killers STOP

Socrates Giolias was a journalist of Thema Radio Station and Protathlitis sports newspaper STOP

But first of all, the founder of troktiko, the most popular news website in Greece.

A State under Mafia,misinformation and CIA ..





..enough is enough.

Παρασκευή, Ιουλίου 09, 2010


"Δὲν εἶχε ἀλλάξει διόλου πρὸς τὸ καλύτερο ἡ ζωή μας ὕστερ᾿ ἀπὸ τὸν πόλεμο. Ὅλα εἶναι, τὰ ἴδια σὰν καὶ πρίν. Κι ὅμως εἶχε ἐλπίσει κι αὐτός, ὅπως εἶχαν ἐλπίσει ἑκατομμύρια ἄνθρωποι σ᾿ ὅλη τὴ γῆ, πῶς ὕστερ᾿ ἀπὸ τὸν πόλεμο, ὕστερ᾿ ἀπὸ τόσο αἷμα ποὺ χύθηκε, κάτι θ᾿ ἄλλαζε. Πὼς θἀρχόταν ἡ εἰρήνη, πὼς ὁ ἐφιάλτης τοῦ πολέμου δὲ θὰ ἴσκιωνε πιὰ τὴ γῆ μας, πὼς δὲ θὰ γίνονταν τώρα αὐτοκτονίες γιὰ οἰκονομικοὺς λόγους, πὼς...

Μερικὰ φῶτα εἶχαν ἀνάψει κιόλας στὰ μαγαζιὰ ἀντίκρυ.
Στὸ καφενεῖο δὲν εἴχανε ἀνάψει ἀκόμα τὰ φῶτα.

Τοῦ ἄρεσε ἔτσι τὸ ἡμίφως.."


Όταν η βουλή είναι άδεια σταματάει να γίνεται ανθρωποπάζαρο..

όσο υπάρχουν τέτοια λόγια, υπάρχει ελπίδα.



Πέμπτη, Ιουλίου 08, 2010


Μιας που ψηφίστηκε το ανασφαλιστικό και οι περισσότεροι κωπηλατούν σε πελάγη εγωισμού και μαλακίας, θα υιοθετήσω *συγνώμη κιόλας* ενα παλαιό σύνθημα απο το δρόμο..

Δεν θα πάρεις σύνταξη ποτέ, Ελληνάρα (αστέ, μεσοαστέ, μικροαστέ μ, γενικώς!)

*** Το σύνθημα είναι μια κοινωνική προσφορά του Α/Α χώρου

Ο δικηγορικός σύλλογος αντί να κάνει απεργία που δεν του πάει κιόλας, δεν κάνει μια μήνυση;!..


.. και επειδή τα λέει κάποιος πρίν απο μένα: